Physiotherapy Modalities
At San Mateo Chiropractic, a variety of physiotherapy modalities are provided for our patients. In our experience, combining chiropractic adjustment with physiotherapy modalities can provide more comfort and better clinical results for most of our patients.
Some of our patients have been benefited from one or more of the following therapeutic modalities during their care:
- High intensity laser therapy
- Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
- Intersegmental Traction
- Cervical Traction
- Trans Electrical Nervous Stimulation (TENS)
- Heat or Cold Therapy
- Custom Rehab Exercises
- Physiotaping or kinesiotaping
To find out how you might benefit from our treatment protocols that combine a variety of chiropractic techniques with a variety of physiotherapy modalities, please contact us at San Mateo Chiropractic.